Storyteller’s Creed

I believe that imagination is stronger than knowledge.

That myth is more potent than history.

That dreams are more powerful than facts.

That hope always triumphs over experience.

That laughter is the only cure for grief.

And I believe that love is stronger than death.

Take a Look Around...

Monday, August 6, 2012

Saturday's Meeting

Hey, all! In case you weren't aware or were not in attendance due to being directly back from camp or out of state (hardy har har), there was a Lords of the Pencil meeting on Saturday. To catch you up on matters, here are the notes from Saturday's meeting, taken by our excellent secretary, Tiger:

-4 members missing (members in attendance were President Fantasy, Tiger, Dreamer, and Raistlin)
-We have around $6 in money
-We need a funraiser [sic]...bake sale?
-Mascot 4 the day: Stanley!
-Raistlin walked out
-Getting new shirts
-TTSTW (Text to Save the World) chapter moving to Poppy (character named Andrew)
-Musical still on (postponed)
-Changing musical
-Final thing for Dreamer's contest: by end of August, FINISH!
-One entry in President Fantasy's contest: they win! (Maybe)
-Tiger's story: EDIT!
-President Fantasy's story: complete
-Dreamer's story: complete
-End of October: end of Way Back When
-Note 2 self: vivid, electric blue eyes
-Raistlin: write
-Tiger feels like an old woman (ha ha!)
-Ender's Game is good! So is Hitchhiker
*Not official -- Raistlin rejoined

  Those are the notes from the meeting. Yes, Poppy Red, the next chapter in A Text to Save the World falls to you. Please look at the page for A Text to Save the World, and read what has been written so far. Your job is to write the next chapter. If you look in the first two months or so, there are some posts about the history of A Text to Save the World. You can check that out too -- it's a lot of history for the story.
  That's all. Have a great day, peoples! See you on the other side of the glass.
-President Fantasy


  1. AHH! I need to prepare myself for that!
    -Poppy Red

  2. Hey, some of those notes only make sense to me, so don't think that all of them are supposed to make total sense.

    1. I think she meant writing her chapter of A Text to Save the World.
      -President Fantasy
