Storyteller’s Creed

I believe that imagination is stronger than knowledge.

That myth is more potent than history.

That dreams are more powerful than facts.

That hope always triumphs over experience.

That laughter is the only cure for grief.

And I believe that love is stronger than death.

Take a Look Around...

Friday, June 29, 2012

Dear Reader:

  Just a small reference there to Lemony Snicket in A Series of Unfortunate Events. Those of you who have listened to his audiobooks know what I'm talking about. Those of you who have not must.
  President Fantasy here! It's been a while (a week? Less? I don't know...) and I'm here for a few announcements...and just to say hi!
  Number One...I just ordered my five free copies of Sunset, Oregon! I'm very excited. We're still waiting on Tiger and Dreamer's proofs, but the hope is that they'll get in by tomorrow night and they'll get their copies! (Especially after I spent so much flippin' work on their covers and formatting!!!)
  Number Two...a big congratulations to Tiger, who finally finished Over the River and Through the Woods! Great job, Tiger, I knew you could do it, you finally finished, and I'm proud of you.
  Number Three...I know officially that I'm going to write Evermore for this NaNoWriMo -- and I already know the basic plot. :)
  Number Four...The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is an excellent book. Some language and stuff...but excellent. Also, The Book Thief, A Series of Unfortunate Events, and Hank the Cowdog are all excellent books. The books in the Septimus Heap series are not, however, excellent books. If you want to know my position on the Septimus Heap books, then just ask me -- I can go on for a long time about them -- or Tiger (she can tell you all about it).
  Number Five...huh...what was Number Five? I totally forgot.
  Wait...right. I forgot about that.
-President Fantasy


  1. Yay! Thanks so much for helping me S-I mean President Fantasy. I have ordered my copies, has T-I mean Dreamer? Oh, and Poppy Red, you ordered your copies, right? Please tell me you did...

    1. Always welcome, Tiger. :)
      We had problems with the cover...hence, Dreamer will have to buy her copies. Oh, well. Next time, we'll all be done editing a month ahead of time and I'll have time to do all our formatting and cover stuff!
      -President Fantasy

    2. Also, this is really nit picky and probably a little bit weird of me, but even though you're posting from your account and it already says Tiger, could you please write "-Tiger" at the end of your comments? There's no real reason, except that we've always done it that way, I like it, and I'm just weirdly protective of the names at the end of the comments.
      -President Fantasy
