Storyteller’s Creed

I believe that imagination is stronger than knowledge.

That myth is more potent than history.

That dreams are more powerful than facts.

That hope always triumphs over experience.

That laughter is the only cure for grief.

And I believe that love is stronger than death.

Take a Look Around...

Thursday, September 8, 2011

A Riddle for your Pleasure

Deep into the dragon's eye
Travel and you'll see
Above a spark of brilliance
There's a place meant just for me!
-President Fantasy
P.S. Comment once you figure it out, and tell me the answer. It's not just an answer, though. Once you figure it out, you'll have to do it. You'll know what I mean once you figure it out...


  1. I figured it out! Nice riddle, the meter and rhyme scheme are great. Maybe you could offer Rick Riordan some help!

  2. I think President Fantasy that you mean the picture of the dragon's eye above our motto. I doubled clicked on it, and it led me to AIO! Whoa! Now what? I still haven't figured out the riddle... wait, did you mean the AIO site as ,"a place that's just for me"? I am clueless!

  3. Very well done you did it!!!
    P.S.I came up with the idea of the riddle President Fantasy stole it. Cause she's a thief!

  4. I figured out the riddle too. by the way tiger its not the AIO site its the ceiling fan website.

  5. Dreamer came up with the idea for the riddle, but it was just 'cause she was like, "Oh, yeah, you should totally do a riddle!" And I said, "Okay!" and wrote a riddle and for some reason she got mad 'cause I didn't sign the post as BOTH of our names.
    Yeah, I don't get it either.
    -President Fantasy
    P.S. You got it right, Tiger. The joke is that I'm constantly mentioning TCF, so their website is "a place meant just for me".

  6. By the way, thank you, Mom, for commenting!
    You figured out how!
    -President Fantasy
    P.S. K-12 is my mom / Miss Amy, just so you guys know.

  7. Thanks, President Fantasy. Oh,and a special call-out to Mistress Amy,for commenting! Awesomeness! Oh,and Dreamer? You ROCK for coming up with the idea for a riddle.
