Storyteller’s Creed

I believe that imagination is stronger than knowledge.

That myth is more potent than history.

That dreams are more powerful than facts.

That hope always triumphs over experience.

That laughter is the only cure for grief.

And I believe that love is stronger than death.

Take a Look Around...

Monday, May 23, 2011

im sorry!

I'm sorry president fantasy for making silly posts that had nothing to do with lords of the pencil.will you forgive me (you can say wether you forgive me or not in the comments thank you).


  1. No. I will never forgive you. Ever. You have created wounds too deep for this mortal earth.
    (Jk. Sure I forgive you.)
    -President Fantasy

  2. Hahahaha! I smiled as I read it. Very Blog to you later.:]

  3. Woops-Tiger[for this post and last post]
