Storyteller’s Creed

I believe that imagination is stronger than knowledge.

That myth is more potent than history.

That dreams are more powerful than facts.

That hope always triumphs over experience.

That laughter is the only cure for grief.

And I believe that love is stronger than death.

Take a Look Around...

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

I WON!!!!!

I did it! I sat in the golden chair and proclaimed, "I will not get up until I starve or I finish my story!" And it worked! I was going to write in the bathroom, because I was already in there and it would make it memorable, ( I mean, sitting on a toliet cover with your gym clothes on writing the end of your novel is pretty memorable, right?), but there was no outlet. Sad face :( Anyway, I have to stop being selfish now and proclaim that we ALL did it. President Fantasy, Dreamer and I have endured through clear skies and turbulence ( me with a lot of the turbulence part), (to quote from the certificate we got) but we all made it. Go Lords of the Pencil NaNoWriMo writers! Go all writers! Go all Lords of the Pencil members! Hip hip hooray! Hip hip hooray! Hip hip hooray! And if I may ask... President Fantasy, may I please have one woot from Zanu, Okto, Eliza and Jeremiab? Thanks, or no thanks if you say no, wait... would I still say thanks? No, I wouldn't. Sorry President Fantasy!

I WON!!!

  I won NaNoWriMo! YAY!!!! You can check out my not yet finished but at 50,000 words novel at my Sunset, Oregon page! Now I have to go continue writing so I can finish the novel itself sometime soon! Whoo-hoo!
  Three woots for...Cricket! Woot, woot! Woot, woot! Woot, woot!
  (Waiting for the wooting to die down.)
  Thank you, LOTP club members, for all the epic support and helping me finish.
-President Fantasy

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

A Sequel...

I have a problem, fellow members of the Lords of the Pencil. Tomorrow is the last day of November, and my characters aren't going to make it to Grandma's house, let alone defeat Rimlore! I think, like our loble and noyal President Fantasy, that I either have to make a sequel, or I will continue writing it. In fact, I think that I shall NOT have a sequel, but I shall keep writing it. My story on the NaNoWriMo site doesn't have to have a good ending, it just has to end. So I shall end it... but then continue writing and editing throughout December. That I all I have to say-except... Dreamer, you haven't told us what you are fixing to do yet. Do you think you will write a sequel? Do you think you will finish? I think you will, but I wish to hear your views. Please tell us, in comments or in a new post. Thanks, and Happy November!

Monday, November 28, 2011

Look at this peeps

"It's beginning to look alot like Christmas, La La ,everwere you go" Well the songs right it really is starting to look like Christmas ! So bundle up LOTPC
because Christmas is here !
       P.S yep I drew that picture my self and sorry if it's a little to small


I have a certian... question for the members of this club. (Excluding Templado, because I think that she is involved with me on this.) Answer me this, Klomparens folk: is there a reason as to why Templado and I have not yet made it to the amazing quotes? I don't mean on your board at home, that's all for you of course, but I mean on the blog. Hm? I hate to sound like I want to be involved in everything, but I don't yet know how to word it so that it sounds nicer. Are the reasons perhaps be one of the following...?
  1. Is is because Lauren and I aren't Klomparens? Because that would make sense, because that means that that is a Klomparen family thing, and I know and agree that if you wish that only to be a Klomparen thing, I would nod and totally agree with the rest of your family.
  2. Is is possibly because you have never thought about it? That would make sense too.
  3. (I doubt this possibilaty) Have I not yet uttered an amazing quote yet? Are there any great, funny or amazing quotes in my story?
  4. Is it because you forgot any amazing quotes we uttered? ( I like this reason, oh yes I do...)
Again, I hate to sound rude, but there you have it. I am ashamed of myself for actually writing this, and yet I needed to, otherwise I fear that we would never get on there... if the President so wishes, would she please let us be able to utter an amazing quote and have it posted? Thanks, and for the last time, I am sorry for sounding so selfish.
- A very sad Tiger

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Back to Official Stuff...*Sigh*

    It was fun to break out of my LOTP post routine for a while...but alas and alack, I cannot continue on that, and must give out some official news.
  For any of you who looked for a new poll or new quote and thought, "What the heck? They're not there!", allow me to ease your minds and tell you that your president remembered today that she had, in fact, promised a new poll and quote, and therefore remedied her error by actually inserting them on to the blog.
  In other news, we are actually going to see Christopher Paolini on Tuesday, in Redmond at a library rather than a high school. Tiger and Miss Templado, I believe that my mum emailed your mother about this, and hopefully that's all cleared out. I didn't know about this change of plans until this (Sunday) evening, so...yes. Tuesday. Be here.
  And a little update on Sunset, Oregon: There will be a sequel! I finally figured out my ending, realized that I would not be able to consolidate a satisfactory answer to all the questions in one book, and have therefore extended the whole deal to two books -- and possibly more, if the mood strikes me. Hopefully, the next book will wrap up all the questions raised by this particular storyline. If it goes beyond two books, it will probably end up tied together by loose concepts such as Amarilda and references to the original main characters.
  All for now! Don't trust Phil if you meet him on a dark road, and see you on the other side of the glass!
-President Fantasy/the Velvet Fog of the LOTP Blog (I'm supposed to be writing right now)

News... from the elusive S- I mean Tiger

Hello members of the Lords of the Pencil club! I am sorry for not being on here and posting, commenting and adding to my story. But I am here now, so all is well.
 First, I say that I take off of President Fantasy. I am haunting the blog when I should be writing, as it is now 7:22, but I need work that needs to be done. Second, I am proclaiming for all... we are going to see Christopher Paolini! AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! Awesomeness! Okay, sorry about that crazy bit of excitement. Third, I am now posing the new edittion of my story on the blog! And thanks to the hints of President Fantasy and Raistlin, you can actually read it now! Yea! I shall post more if my muse comes back.
Ciao!- Tiger

Saturday, November 26, 2011

"Anyway, Speaking of My Mom's Car..."

  That title has absolutely nothing to do with this post. It has to do with the fact that yes, once again, your president is multitasking and listening to a Ceiling Fan episode while she writes an official Lords of the Pencil Writing Club post.
  You know what? Scratch that. For the first time in a long time, I think I'll write an unofficial post. Yeah, that's right!!! I'll speak my mind without any thought to what anyone might think about it, because I am not going to be official!
  First of all, I think I'll rant a little bit about The Ceiling Fan, since it's extremely difficult to not talk about The Ceiling Fan when I am currently listening to it. (Note to Miss Templado (and all others interested): The Thanksgiving Special is up on The Ceiling Fan! CLICK HERE)
  In about one month, we'll have the Ceiling Fan Christmas Special, including Freezy the Snowboy, a new cast member, and a clue from Season 3! With any luck, it will be a big clue. Anyway, it's not that big a deal, because Season 4 will be just around the corner after the Christmas Special, due to the fact that January starts about six days after Christmas.
  My Ceiling Fan episode is ending! Hang on, I need to start a new one.
  Is that Phil or James snoring in the background? They're both asleep...but only one of them is snoring! What's going on here? Does James just never snore? Or maybe Phil never snores, and James is snoring! Actually, come to think of it, it sounds more like Phil...or maybe it's James. I still think it's probably Phil...GASP!!! It WAS Phil! He snorted, and Ethan said, "I gotta go, I think Phil's waking up..." Yes! I have solved the mystery!
  Wait a minute...the episode is over.
  Let me start a new one.
  Okay. Here we are.
  Now what do I talk about? Oh, yes!!! I think I'll post a picture I made the other day. For details...just...I don't know. Ask in the comments, and I will probably answer you in the comments, but sadly, I do not think I could explain the whole story on the post itself.
The (Un)Official Backdrop for Season 3: Click to see bigger
  Now, let's talk about Sunset, Oregon. I, personally, am feeling very sad at this point. If you have read my story up to this point, you'll know what I'm talking about. If you have not, well, then, shame on you. (See? I told you I was not going to be all official and gracious and stuff!)
  Anyway, so, feeling sad. Right. I'm feeling sad because, well, I mean, because Cricket...ooh, wait, I can't talk about that either...I... GACK! I can't talk about that!
  Okay. Off of Sunset, Oregon.
  What should I talk about now? Unofficially?
  "Hi, guys!"
  "Phil, watch the road!"
  "I am. We're not even moving!"
  Actually, that wasn't a random quote. It was more like random quotes. Here, let me change my title with the magical power of copy, paste, and edit:
  I'm not going to re-write them. Oh, wait, no! This is not a Ceiling Fan quote! This is me! This isn't...
  Oh, whatever.
  I think I'm done with this weird unofficial post that was extremely muddled by the fact that I was listening to The Ceiling Fan the entire way through it.
-President Fantasy
P.S. An Official Tack-On to an Unofficial Post: Don't get me wrong, this post was totally unofficial. But this little tack-on at the end is official. That's why it's blue. Don't ask me why blue. It's a good color. Anyway, check out the "Amazing Quotes" list down at the bottom of the blog page, the club member descriptions at the top of the blog page, and look around for a new poll that I think you all will enjoy...Thank you! President Fantasy out.

Friday, November 25, 2011

A Little Request

  If you are in the mood to read the saddest and most touching scene thus far in Sunset, Oregon, please go over to my page and read from wherever you last left off straight on to the end. This scene has been part of the plan from the very beginning, it always had to happen. I am so sad now!!! I think I may go cry in a corner for a while...
-President Fantasy

Thursday, November 24, 2011

It's About Time I Make an Official LOTP Post, Isn't It?

  It's been at least a few days or something, so, uh...Yeah. I felt that what with everyone coming on and wishing me happy birthday and saying how amazing I am, I thought that the president herself should make an appearance. I am! And thank you all for the birthday wishes and fun comments. As Raistlin said on my birthday (at some point): "Happy birthday! Now get out of here."
  I'm sorry if my post is a bit jarbled. I'm listening to the Ceiling Fan Thanksgiving Special, so it's difficult to write. Here, let me finish, and then I'll get back to you...
  Okay, there we go. I can't write with Kevin and Mark talking in the background. It's like a little buzzing noise going on and on and on and on and on and on and on...
  Maybe I'd better write something actually productive.
  Sunset, Oregon. Maybe that's it.
  Yeah. I should set an example instead of haunting the blog at 9:30 at night.
  Okay, guys...I'm going, I'm going. I am going to write about explosions. (Read what I've written, and you'll get the joke...)
  It's a long story...Just ask me next time you see me. But I (if only temporarily) now hold the official title of biggest Ceiling Fan fan.
-President Fantasy/The Velvet Fog of the LOTP Blog
P.S. Does anyone else have any more titles for me to add to the opening club member description of me? I think I have been called the Queen of Astia before, maybe I should add that...

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

I know is kind of late but......... HAPPY BIRTHDAY !

"Ya ,ya, wo, wo, you know it true ,Ya ya I know , I know it kind of late but.............. .......................................HAPPY BIRTHDAY!"

   That's for you Fantasy for all you have done to pull this club together and all your hard work , now how about one more line  !

 "I knows kind of late but........HAPPY BIRTHDAY ! Ya,ya ,wo,wo you know its true ,Ya ya i know ! "

  P.S  have a great Birthday fantasy you deserve it !

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

I'm ashamed of myself...

There. I said it. I'm ashamed of myself.... for changing my word count. I still have to write about 2,000 words per day to finish but... it's better than before right? I want to thank all the people who persueded me to do this, even though it pains me. I thought it was 50,000 or nothing, and it turns out that that wasn't the case. I am now trying to get to 45,000 words, which is still hard, but not as hard as eariler. Oh... and I must say this, even though it doesn't have to do with writing or books; in fact, it has to do with our lovely President Fantasy... Happy Birthday tomorrow! Sing it! Happy Birthday to you (chachacha), Happy Birthday to you (chachacha), Happy Birthday dear President Fantasy (chachacha), Happy Birthday to you (chachacha)! Happy Birthday, from your loble and noyal... um subjects? Members? Ah, close but not it.... compatriots? Nah, I'll sleep on it, and tell you in the morning.
Oh, and just for you, I made this...
Happy Birthday!It's pink. Just thought you might like that.

Monday, November 21, 2011


  Everybody! Go onto the page Sunset, Oregon right now and read up to the very end! (Mostly referring to Tiger and Raistlin and those who have kept up with the story.) One of the biggest secrets of the book has just been revealed!!!
  Go on and read till the very end, right now! Please! Then...COMMENT! Yay! I finally have my secret out!!! So go on and read it, please!
-President Fantasy

This is really funny!

I want to show you guys this interveiw with Christian Klomparens I hope you fined it funny.

 Trinity: Hello Christian (Christian laughs.)
Christian: You are a bad rememberer.
Trinity: What am I a bad rememberer for?
Christian: About my name. You pronounced it Cristyan.
Trinity: Well I am sorry mister Cristyan.
Christian: You are so mean.
Trinity: I’m sorry Christian
Christian: What!
Trinity: I forgot your name, remember?
Christian: Oh yeah, I forgive you. Where were we?
Trinity: I think we were at the beginning. Oh right. Did you have a good day today.
Christian: Yeah. AAAAAAAAAAcccccccccccccccc!!! Ransom please stop. Just a minute. (Christian laughs a lot.) That was because of Ransom.
Trinity: Are you okay.
Christian: Yes. AAAAAAAAAAAAcccc!!!
Trinity: Any ways, I am glad that you have had a good day today. Here is another question. Do you love chicken?
Christian: I do like chicken. But I don’t love it.
Trinity: Oh sorry we are out of time good bye.
Christian: We did not get to a lot of questions. We just got to two. I think this was because of Ransom. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! Ransom (Christian laughs even more!)
I hope I waisted your time see you later. 
"Peace. Not literally (Sigh)." -Dr. Horrible

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Another Book Cover!

  This is the book cover for Mandie of Sandie Hills by Katie3 of NaNoWriMo:

-President Fantasy

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Character profile

Hey fellow members! I would like to post a character profile on here. When I get more characters, I shall add more. I have left out some things in here that are classifed information. Sorry! You'll get to read it more in the book.
Important Over the River and through the Woods stuff
Character profile
Zanu: a normal kid who is the nephew of Riodan Rimlore
Age: 13
Faults: Temper, immature at points, impatient
Good things: Modest, loyal, smart, kind
Parents: Jake and Cassandra Miller;...
Necklace: ...
Eliza: an adventurous girl who has a grandma who...
Age: 13
Faults: Pride, selfishness, rudeness, no common sense
Good things: determination, honesty, cleverness
Parents: Mark and Elizabeth Baker...
Pen: the one thing that can destroy Riodan Rimlore...
Okto: a monster...
Age: 14
Faults: Pride, anger, Annabeth’s fatal flaw,
Good things: loyalty, understanding, patient
Powers: Eyes change color, eight arms...
Jeremiab Smith: an old man...
Age: 60
Faults: Pride, secretive nature,
Good things: Loyalty, kindness, willingness, optomisim
Parents: ?

Quick Post Before I Write

  Yes, once again, the Velvet Fog of the LOTP Blog is haunting the blog when she should be writing. I know, I know...I just wanted to congratulate Tiger on a fantastic story up on the blog so far (I LOVE Jeremiab Smith. I might end up obsessing over him) and to say, well, here I go to write more of Sunset, Oregon! Speaking of which, there's more on the blog from the last time...Just one chapter.
  Oh yes, and we are leaving at 11:00 this morning? But we will be back sometime in the afternoon, so just keep checking back at our house if we are not here.
  As Jeremiab Smith says, "In I go!"
-President Fantasy

Thursday, November 17, 2011


AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Fans of the Inheritance Cycle who are writing in NaNoWriMo, look out! Christopher Paolini's pep talk is out! Even if you aren't writing in NaNoWriMo, or if you haven't read his books, go! Flock to the site and read an awesome pep talk! Writers and Fans of the Inheritance Cycle, unite!
-A very excited Tiger


Hey guys! I am going to post my new parts of my story to the blog, but first tell me how I am going to write 7,000 words in one day! Oh well, I'll just crank it out... please see my story!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Yes, Yes, I Know, I Know...

  My second post of the day. Wow! I'm sure everyone's getting bored of me by now.
  But I'm already digressing by my second sentence. The reason I'm on here is to...CALL FOR HELP!
  I know, I know, no one thought I would call for help again this early in the game -- well, day 16 -- but that's beside the point -- GACK!!!
  Okay, what I need help with is this: Please go and read my story. (The new stuff, up to where I have written right now.) I need you to answer these two questions. I can't tell you why these questions specifically, but I can tell you that the answers to these questions will influence what happens next in my story greatly.
  All right, so, here are the questions:
  Question #1: From what you have read so far, in your own words, describe how you think Robert feels about Cricket.
  Question #2: From what you have read so far, in your own words, describe how you think Cricket feels about Robert.
  These questions are very important, although I can't tell you why. So please...respond as soon as possible! As soon as you read this! Go and read what you haven't read yet, and answer! I need the answer right now!
-A Desperate for Help President Fantasy

An Important Proclamation

  Hiya, fellow club members, Wrimos, and just plain all around cool people! I am on the blog today to proclaim my undying love for Haymitch Abernathy. Haymitch is awesome. He was the best character in The Hunger Games, he's the best character in Catching Fire.
  Now, don't ask me why I love Haymitch so much. I can't tell you exactly why. Maybe it's because he won the Hunger Games twenty-five years ago by outsmarting all of his opponents. Maybe it's because of the hidden implications in the book about his experience as a tribute and the way he's tried to keep Katniss and Peeta alive. Whatever it is, he's amazing, and I think that I'm going to obsess over him like I have over Snape, Murtagh, Alistair Oh, Vrsk and Sternabite (from Science Fair), Legolas, Constance Contraire, Milligan, Z, Hermes, Twigleg, and the many other characters from many other books.
  Oh, yeah, I almost forgot. Here, Tiger, is your revised cover:
  Tell me if you want something else changed. Miss Templado, you should find the picture of a horse that you want on the Internet, and I will make a cover with it.  I hope you all get up on your word count (speaking of which, I should go work on that right now!)
  See you around the schoolyard. Go Haymitch! (And Snape. And Murtagh. And Alistair Oh, Vrsk, Sternabite, Legolas, Constance Contraire, Milligan, Z, Hermes, Twigleg...)
-President Fantasy

Monday, November 14, 2011

Hey, Tiger, What Do You Say?

  So, what do you think? Click to see it bigger. (Hopefully that works. If it doesn't, well, I tried.)
  This is just a rough draft, so I need some feedback. What's good? What's bad? What would make it better? What direction should I take it in? Seriously, just throw whatever you think out there, and I'll try and make it happen. Just keep in mind that I can't do individual figures or characters. Like, I could probably make a pen happen, but unique characters and objects, unless you can make one and take a good picture of it, are pretty much a no-go.
  Miss Templado, as for you...I can make you a cover for Show Stopper too, if you like. Just tell me whether you want a real picture or your own artwork for the cover. If it's your artwork you want, just post it on the blog, and if it's a real picture you want, either post it on the blog, or just tell me what kind of picture you want, and I will find it. Also, it would be a good idea to tell me any specifics you want. (Such as, no black on the cover. Anywhere.)
  And here's the brand spankin' new cover for Sunset, Oregon!
  I can just imagine Cricket taking a map, seeing that Sunset wasn't on it, and just scrawling Sunset, Oregon in big letters.
  See you all on the other side of the glass, and don't trust Phil if you meet him on a dark road! (You might want to avoid Tal too. That kid's vicious! And as for Robert...well...make your own assumptions.)
-President Fantasy
P.S. For anyone who may be interested in the story behind Falden Jones, Robert Fallen, and Tal Morgan...I would suggest reading the latest additions to my story. 

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Special Revelations in Sunset, Oregon

  For all of those who have kept up with Sunset, Oregon, I would suggest going and reading Chapter 10: The Truth. It tells something very interesting about Robert and Falden. Of course, it's not done yet, so check back later today for more!
-President Fantasy

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Just As a Side Note

  By the way, just in case any of you ever wondered what that picture is that appears next to the words "Club Member" whenever you leave a comment, click on the picture. It may surprise you!
-President Fantasy
P.S. I may change the picture soon, if we get a proper logo soon. I'll talk to the professional graphic artist. (Meaning Caleb. Or I could just pull out my old LOTP t-shirt design. Yeah...that might work.)


Sorry guys but when I put Show Stopper in that spot you made for me it went crazy and mixed up all the Chapters . So sorry    - Templado     :(

Sunday, November 6, 2011

7 Days In!

  Hello, hello! 7 days into NaNoWriMo, and the epic Lords of the Pencil members are still going strong! Let's hear a "Woot, woot!" for the LOTP writing club!
  (Pausing as club members all over the world give their "Woot, woot"s.)
  Now, a couple of announcements. Miss Templado, just in case you hadn't noticed, I've created a tab for you and your story, "Show Stopper". To edit it, just make sure you're signed in, click on the "Show Stopper" tab (near the top with the other tabs, called stuff like "Sunset, Oregon" and "Pink Clouds and Golden Skies"), and click on the pencil icon below the page. Then, just delete my text and copy/paste your own! (Ask Tiger if you aren't entirely sure how to go about it, or go to my post called "Question Your Characters" to see a detailed explanation near the beginning on how to do it.)
  I would suggest that everyone go take a look at my Sunset, Oregon tab and read the new stuff from my story. It contains some interesting revelations about Falden Jones, Robert Fallen, Tal Morgan, and (as always) the twisting trails of the ever illogical Cricket Allen! (Woot, woot!)
  And I would like to ask everyone's opinion on this. Please, give me your suggestions, if you will. I need to harness the support of the LOTP team!
  Here's the deal: The flashbacks are some of the most important and interesting sections of the novel, and they're certainly fun to write. Question is, how much have I revealed during these sections? I have such a detailed description in my head of what's going on, but the trouble is, I don't how much I've concretely revealed. SO if you don't mind, please go to Sunset, Oregon, read the flashbacks (they're all in bold, so that should make it easier) and tell me what's basically happened. (Such as: Robert Fallen was blah blah blah, and Falden Jones so and so'ed, and stuff like that). Only more detailed.
  Woot, woot!
-President Fantasy
"Tadpole Media Yearly Update karate chop -- HWAAAAAAAA!!!!" -Kevin McCreary


That is what I said when I realized that I had clicked "cut" on my document to post my new writings on the blog. The good news is that I will no longer have to get upset over pasting things onto here... I will be typing directly upon it! No more weird things like every paragraph showing upp in italics! I control eveything! Hahahahahahahahahahaha!
(Sorry, I had to do that).

Saturday, November 5, 2011

I Am Very Disappointed in You...

  No, I'm not disappointed that you had to call for help. In fact, I'm proud of you for continuing with your word count even when it was hard. No, I'm not angry that we didn't get to write at your house today. We'll do that tomorrow. And no, I'm not even sad that I'll have to wait an entire month before I get to read the next chapter of A Text to Save the World, because I told you not to write that.
  I am disappointed that you did not UPLOAD THE NEW STUFF YOU'VE WRITTEN ONTO YOUR PAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  You see, you can tell that this is big!
  Tiger, I want to read what you've written. I want to know what's going on with Zanu, Eliza, and Okto. But how, may I ask, am I to do this when you do not upload your writing onto the blog? Haven't I helped you every time you've asked for help? Haven't I stood behind you in all your writing ventures? Haven't I kept up with the blog and put up new polls and given you a post on Friday?
  And all I ask is that I be allowed to read your amazing NaNoWriMo novel as you write it! Is this so much to ask?
  Have I gotten my point across?
President Fantasy

More Help!

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Help me please! I am at 6124 words and I have to be at 10002 by tommorow! Unless I stay up until I die of tireness, I have no idea how I am going to do this! This is the best day of my life. I am only 5 days into NaNoWriMo and I am already near tears! Please, even if you can't help me write it, please pray for me! I need some Klompson determination! I am dying!

Friday, November 4, 2011

Here You Go, Tiger

  I owed you a post.
  Here you are.
  Since I have nothing better to write about, I will begin rambling about Sunset, Oregon and go off on a tangent about The Ceiling Fan, because that's how everything I write ends up.

  Curious Things about Sunset, Oregon to Watch Out For:
#1. Every character who has shown up so far, minus Mr. Jackson and Smuggy, will be absolutely vital to the story.
#2. Within the book so far, you have seen a scene from the night when Cricket lost his memory. You'll have to guess where it is yourself. (Hint: It's really simple.)
#3. Almost every single character has a connection to almost every other character at the beginning of the story. (This is, of course, excluding Mr. Jackson and Smuggy). 
#4. The flashbacks are possibly the most important parts of the story so far. Special attention should be paid to nearly everything in the flashbacks. 
#5. None of the characters have "magical" powers, but there are almost supernatural powers, although not all the characters have access to them.
#6. The climax of the story takes place in the final week of November. The story (rather, the six months later) begins in September. 
#7. That means that Thanksgiving will have to be in the book. Hmm...Speaking of which, I wonder if The Ceiling Fan is going to do a Thanksgiving Special this year. And you should all go to The Ceiling Fan Hallarvest Special (click on it) to hear the Halloween (OOPS -- Hallarvest) episode. And when the Tadpole Media Yearly Update appears on the feed, I will post that onto the blog as well.  Oh yeah, and we need to get started on our Ceiling Fan Hijack...
  See? I told you I would start off about The Ceiling Fan.
  I think I have fulfilled my duty to Tiger, so, there you are. Look onto the Sunset, Oregon tab to see the new stuff for my novel. 
  Always look on the bright side, and don't trust Phil if you meet him on a dark road. 
-President Fantasy
           "Three months had passed since Robert Fallen had seen Falden for the first time. It was a long time for a four-year-old, but Robert had not forgotten. Something about the short meeting had stuck with him. Yet he didn’t really believe that he would see Falden ever again.
            So that was why it was such a shock when the knock on the door came." -Chapter 3 of Sunset, Oregon


Okay guys, I have major problems here. I will tell you- all of you, maybe even Raistlin- one of the secrets to my story if you all will help brainstorm for it. It would be great for me, and I hope you would enjoy it too. Help me, please!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


 Hey, about my writing: I just put a ton of stuff on there, so you can enjoy it! Hey- can we put something new on this blog. I go on here, but there is nothing new. Just telling you. Go November!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


I have Five Chapters done for my story all you have to do is click on pink clouds and golden skies.