Storyteller’s Creed

I believe that imagination is stronger than knowledge.

That myth is more potent than history.

That dreams are more powerful than facts.

That hope always triumphs over experience.

That laughter is the only cure for grief.

And I believe that love is stronger than death.

Take a Look Around...

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

I'll Come Up with a Title Later

  On to business. Dreamer, here is your survey filled out:
Question: Who was your favorite character?
Answer: Zizzle Sizzle, definitely, although it wasn't because I ever felt sorry for him or anything like that. What really got me on him was his being tormented by Gordon instead of tormenting him.
Question: What was not answered?
Answer: Um, since I don't really recall any questions being raised...Oh, wait, yes, there was the voice talking that was never explained. You know, the mysterious voice that pretended to be Loxen's conscience...? Other than that, since there weren't all that many questions, um, that's about it.
Question: What could be rewritten in the novel?
Answer: More description. Absolutely. Describing everything so that we can see it. I'd like to know what Loxen looks like, and what color Lacy's hair is, and what the castle and stuff look like. And also, careful editing of the dialogue, so that each character's line is clear and makes sense.
Question: Who was your least favorite character and why?
Answer: I'd have to say that it was actually Lacy. Sometimes she was just a little bit annoying. Although she was sometimes kind of funny, a lot of times I just didn't sympathize with her. I would advise making her just a little bit more sympathetic -- maybe make the reader feel a little bit sorry for her, or make her a little bit more likeable sometimes. Originally, she was supposed to be mean, but she kind of ended up being confusing as to what you were supposed to feel about her, so I don't know. You can figure that out.
Question: What was your least favorite part of the book?
Answer: Probably the very first chapter. Although it does grab your attention, it simply doesn't set the tone very well, I think. Having your first sentence be like, "No! I don't want you to die!" simply seems overly dramatic, and doesn't match the rest of the story in tone. Maybe a few changes on that?
Question: If you were the author, what would you change? Would it be something that is shortened, or making something longer? Or what?
Answer: I would play up on Zizzle and Gordon's storyline. I would add some plot twists and intrigue. I would make Orangetails and all the other minor characters play some role in the end. And I would have more characters like the mysterious voice, and make the whole thing just a bit more complex. 
  So yeah, that's the survey filled out. Hope it helps!
  And for all those of you who might be interested: In order to get some of my ideas down on paper, in the next few days I may write some of Evermore, which means that there might be some excerpts posted on the blog...hmm... Stay tuned for more developments! 
  Don't trust Phil if you meet him on a dark road. Merry Christmas. Is that everything? I think I forgot something.
  Wait a second...
  OH!!! I remember what I forgot!
  Let's have a little game, shall we? If you can figure out what it is I forgot, then comment. It's like an Encyclopedia Brown mystery type thing, where the answer is contained in the question. All the info you need is right here in this post. 
  Let's see if anyone can figure it out...Sember dears, just how clever are you?
-President Fantasy


  1. Did you forget that you were not suppose to put your name twice?

  2. I am very clever and whitey I just want to see every body elses answers.

  3. Okay, you know what I give up I don't want to try to answer.

  4. Nevermind I will keep on answering.

  5. Okay, this is my final comment I am going to stop talking. I will not answer anymore. everyone else should answer.

  6. Is this a trick question? Oo I forgot that the comment before this was my last one. Oops. But still is this a trick question?

  7. I KNOW!!! You forgot to ramble on about Odyssey and the Ceiling fan.

  8. Dreamer's the only one with a guess?
    Anyway, Dreamer, though that is true, it's not quite the answer I was looking for. Sorry.
    If nobody else has an answer, I'll put one in a new post.
    -President Fantasy
