Storyteller’s Creed

I believe that imagination is stronger than knowledge.

That myth is more potent than history.

That dreams are more powerful than facts.

That hope always triumphs over experience.

That laughter is the only cure for grief.

And I believe that love is stronger than death.

Take a Look Around...

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Countdown: 6 Days

Hey, everybody, it is the Thursday post on the Lords of the Pencil writing club, and there are six days until I leave for Italy!!! Henry the Fifth is also coming up quickly, so if you're in it, be ready, if you're not, make sure you can come!
I would like to announce a new member. Her name is Tonks. She is in Henry the Fifth, she enjoys acting and writing. She's already posted (a couple times) but I thought I'd officially introduce her. I'd give you a picture but sadly, I don't have one. Oh well. Here's a picture anyway. Not of Tonks, but...oh well.
Click on it to see it bigger. It's one of the finalists for the AIO Green Ring Art Contest, and it's an artist's interpretation of an Odyssey dollar. Yes, that is Mr. Skint on the front. Yes, it says One Buck...Oliver.
And another announcement to Tonks: We are having a special meeting on Saturday (hopefully). Sadly, I don't think we can get you over on such short notice. So basically, we will tell you the results of the meeting. We do most of our stuff online, but we'll get you here for a meeting sometime SOON.
Thank you everyone for the criticism. I have another bit of writing to be criticized. This is actually a very important bit of writing. It comes directly after Rea and Astra defeat the Scyllion in Way Back When. It's after Rea has met Adria earlier in the book. For those of you who have read the book, I need to know if there are any loopholes that don't make sense (or references to things that didn't actually happen. Some references will probably have to do with scenes with Adria, but I just need to make sure.) It adds a new twist to the story.
This isn't all of it, but here you are.
Rea grinned. “It’s okay. It did lead me to great things after all.”
            If Astra wondered, she didn’t show it. Instead, in that classic Astra-fashion that Rea had learned to love, saying nothing, she held out the Lethal Blade. She nodded before Rea could even ask a question. Rea knew it was hers. And somehow, without saying a word, Astra spoke what could not be said in any words.
            Rea sighed, half laughing, half crying. She wanted desperately to hug Astra, but decided not to. It was too much to thrust on her. So Rea simply stood there for a moment, not entirely certain what to do or say. 
            Then someone behind her laughed.
            “Well done, well done, I must say…brilliant, brilliant.”
            Rea and Astra spun around to face…
            Adria Malice.
            The Dark Flower.
            The Plan that Went Wrong.
            Something was different about her. At first Rea couldn’t place it; whether it was a new sharp edge in her voice, or the clear determination in her icy blue eyes. But then Rea spotted it.
            The scar on her face had been reopened. It was still bleeding slightly, giving her a wild, crazed, slightly demented look.
            Adria glanced around. “Where’s Ramcol?” Then understanding crossed her face. “Oh, of course…you found out. Well, now poor Ramcol’s been kicked out…” A trace of a smile came to her lips. “I daresay he deserved it.”
            “What do you want, Adria?” Astra said tightly. Her hand was on her sword. Rea knew that it was not proper to attack before knowing whether the other was here in peace or war. “Which is it?” Astra asked.
            “Oh, peace, peace,” Adria said idly, playing with the hilt of her knife. “I was simply coming to congratulate you on your brilliant defeat of the Scyllion. The basket, the leading to great things coming full circle, and the fact that it wasn’t the great Astra Marz working alone, but a new friend of hers as well…clever, clever. Just like a story.”
            Rea’s blood ran cold. “How did you know about the basket?”
            Adria didn’t answer. She leaned against a tree, ripping a leaf into shreds now. “Gladius thinks that it’s one of you. At least, one of you three. The Praedon, that is. I would be more inclined toward a dwelf. I think there’s a good chance of there being another one down there…the first one since Cyque. The first magic-using dwelf in a good long while.”
            They’re real? Rea thought. She glanced toward Astra, waiting for some lead, but Astra was doing nothing. They could not well fight Adria, as she was not fighting them.
            “But I digress. The real reason I’m here is to thank you.” She swept them a sarcastic bow. “You’ve done your duty very well.”
            “What duty?” Rea burst out.
            “Why, your Scyllion-killing duty. You did quite well. Now he thinks he knows who the Praedon is…” Adria gestured toward Rea. “Your little friend here, Astra.”
            “So he meant for us to kill the Scyllion all along, just to discover who the Praedon is?” Astra asked calmly. “Clever.”
            Rea was breathing quickly and heavily. She couldn’t understand how Astra could be so casual. All of this work, just to discover that Gladius had planned it all?

There you are. Please criticize. And thanks for reading. 
You too, Tonks!!! I'd like to know what you think about it. 
-President Fantasy
P.S. Here's another song from The Ceiling Fan. SONG, not episode. It's the Rap Battle between Ethan Daniels and Ice Kreem. If you listen to what they're saying, it's actually really funny. 

I'll say no more. Ethan has said it all. 
Sort of.


  1. WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAh!!!President Fantasy is going to italy. And I'll be all alone

  2. Again, who is Toady? Well, I like the end after Rea has killed the Scyllion but... I don't remember if Rea has actually talked to Adria. I know Astra has, but has Rea? Also, I don't understan something. How would Gladius know that whoever was the "One" would kill the beast? And, why would he think that whoever took care of that over-sized piece of junk would be the One? There you go. Questions for that brilliant mind of yours to answer.
    P.S. I liked the song.

  3. Thanks. Most of those are questions that will be answered in the book -- like the fact that Rea has, in fact, talked to Adria. However, the reason that Gladius believes Rea is the One has nothing to do with the fact that she helped defeat the Scyllion. It has more to do with the fact that she figured out how to defeat his Asperi.
    Also, did you get the reference to Micenah when Adria talked about the dwelves? That's a foreshadow for when she goes and finds him.
    Hope that answered your questions! And I'll try and put more Ceiling Fan songs on here. There's a funny one by Phil...
    -President Fantasy
