Storyteller’s Creed

I believe that imagination is stronger than knowledge.

That myth is more potent than history.

That dreams are more powerful than facts.

That hope always triumphs over experience.

That laughter is the only cure for grief.

And I believe that love is stronger than death.

Take a Look Around...

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Major Production

Hiya! (To quote Richard Maxwell from "Waylaid in the Windy City, Part II," except for I didn't add the "Mr. Whittaker" at the end, because the full line is "Hiya, Mr. Whittaker!").
I just had an idea for our Magician's Assistant production that's not actually going to be The Magician's Assistant. It's kind of a Lord of the Rings / The Wizard of Oz musical type thing. Basically, it would be like a medieval setting, but with a joke about the standard outlines of fairy tales. For example, the subject of the prophecy comes in and the king says, "Get in line. We've got about twenty other chosen ones on various quests." And the bad guy is tired of everyone always defeating him, and he's determined to win this time.
We need to brainstorm, people!!! Write your ideas on the comment line if you want, or if it's an AMAZING idea make a post out of it. Check back and comment on what other people think. This will be fun.
-President Fantasy


  1. That is a amazing Idea. You are a awesome Idea maker!!!Don't you think Tiger?
    (P.S. I want to be the damsel in destress!!!)

  2. Sorry Dreamer, "distress" has an "i" in the middle, not and "e". [Sorry, just a trival mistake, I would be prone to commit also.] I think that the idea President Fantasy had is a great one. I would be happy to be a role in it. [I would enjoy the prince, dragon or evil sorcerer!]

  3. I am definitely being the evil sorcerer


  4. Hmm...I feel pensive today...
    -President Fantasy

  5. Sigh...there was very little done on this comment line. Ah, well. We figured it out anyway.
    -President Fantasy
